Your procurement system
Bits & Pieces is a procurement system for ordering "bits & pieces" from different suppliers. The system can work as a stand alone system or as an integrated part of a larger system.
All orders and order confirmations are a hundred percent electronic, from a bar code is scanned until the merchandise arrive at the warehouse.
With alternate suppliers for each article, backorders are avoided. This way you are guaranteed a very high delivery percentage (90%-100%).
Today Bits & Pieces is completely integrated with several larger suppliers. Some have even reduced their prices since orders are processed electronically. Bits & Pieces has been in use since 2004.
It is easy to order with Bits & Pieces. You do not need to know who delivers what. You just need to scan the bar code and click twice in the Bits & Pieces application.
You can rate suppliers by price, quality and their ability to deliver on time.
Order time, purchase time and delivery time is reduced. The use of specific article numbers enables the possibility for orders to happen automatically and for the order to be spread to pre-approved suppliers if the preferred supplier cannot deliver the received order.
You do not need to re-label your stock when suppliers replace articles with new and improved products.
Costs are kept at a minimum. Preferred suppliers ensure to keep a desired quantity in stock, and they will do their utmost to keep their position at the top of the preference list. This way, competition between suppliers is maintained.